Fish is the first character available to you in Nuclear Throne.
He can roll, and gets more ammo (both from weapon pickups and ammo pickups).
His Throne Butt mutation allows him to roll continously.
Fish is a fun character to play, particularly with his Throne Butt mutation.
Crystal is my favorite character to play.
She has a shield ability that can be activated for a set period of time via right click.
She also starts with 10 HP, two more than most characters.
Her Throne Butt mutation shortens her shield time, but allows her to teleport.
She is also unlocked from the start.
Eyes is my second favorite character in Nuclear Throne.
His special ability pulls enemies and items towards him, while pushing projectiles away.
His Throne Butt mutation makes his telekinesis much more powerful.
He is unlocked be reaching level 2-1, the sewers.
Melting is a hard character to play.
They only start with 2 HP; however, they get more Rads, allowing them to mutate more quickly.
Their special ability allows them to explode corpses.
It is very satisfying to use.
Their Throne Butt ability makes their explosions more powerful.
Melting can be unlocked by dying (which is really quite easy to do).
Plant moves more quickly than other characters and is not slowed by obstacles such as spiderwebs.
Plant's ability allows them to shoot seeds that grow into vines.
The vines slow enemies and glow in the dark.
Plant's Throne Butt ability makes their vines kill enemies under 33% of their health.
They can be unlocked by reaching level 3-1, the scrapyard.
Yung Venuz
Yung Venuz, more commonly known as Y.V. is a very good offensive character.
They have an increased rate of fire, and their special ability allows them to fire two shots with a single button press.
Their Throne Butt mutation let's them fire four shots at once.
Y.V. starts with a golden revolver and can be unlocked by reaching Y.V's Mansion.
Steroids is a popular character in the speedrunning community.
He starts with two revolvers, and can dual wield weapons.
His Throne Butt mutation makes firing one weapon regenerate ammo for the other.
When you get a gold weapon for Steroids, he starts with one of that gold weapon and one revolver.
He can be unlocked by reaching level 6-1, the labs.
Robot finds higher tier weapons, the equivalent of one level ahead of where it currently is.
Robot's ability allows it to eat its weapon for ammo or health (chose at random).
Throne Butt makes this ability reward more ammo or health.
Robot is unlocked by reaching level 5-1, the frozen city.
Chicken is a very hard to kill character.
Everytime that she dies, she loses 2 max HP and can walk around headless for five seconds.
If she gains health in that time she is revived with lowered max health.
Chicken also has the ability to throw her weapon with right click, dealing a large amount of damage to a single target.
Her Throne Butt mutation allows her thrown weapons to pierce multiple enemies.
Chicken starts with the Chicken Sword and is unlocked by reaching the level 5 secret area, the jungle.
Rebel is an odd character.
Her ability allows her to spend health to spawn a computer controlled ally.
They really are not very useful.
She also heals to half of her full health when entering a portal.
Throne Butt increases her allies' fire rate.
She can be unlocked by defeating Throne II and looping to the desert.
Horror gets an additional mutation choice when leveling up.
They also can fire their rads in a beam that harms enemies and destroys projectiles.
Horror's radiation beam gets wider more quickly with their Throne Butt mutation.
Horror can be unlocked by skipping radiation canisters and defeating Horror when they spawn.
When playing Rogue, radiation canisters become ammunition for her Portal Strike.
Portal Strike is her ability allowing her to fire off five explosions in a row.
She also creates an explosion whenever she is damaged.
Members of the Inter-Dimensional Police Department (I.D.P.D.) also constantly spawn when playing as rogue.
Throne Butt strengthens the strength of her Portal Strike.
She starts with the Rogue Rifle and can be unlocked by sitting on the Nuclear Throne after defeating it.
I reccomend buying the game on Humble Bundle to support Vlambeer, the developer of Nuclear Throne.
(You also get access to the game DRM free!)
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